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The Dog Groups

Scent Hound "siren hunter"

Herding "working wing-man"

Gun Dog"outdoor adventurer"

Natural Dog "wild at heart"

Guardian "patient protector"

Guardian "patient protector"

Sight Hound "regal runner"

Toy Dog"little companion"

Terrier "real go-getter"

World Dog "renaissance dog"

Bull Dog "the entertainer"


While The Dog Key app frequently is able to determine the most likely breed group type(s) contributing to a dog's genetic makeup, it cannot guarantee a dog's heritage or behavior. The scientific efforts by geneticists and evolutionary biologists to map the dog genome and develop phylogenetic models for the groups provides a working framework for our organization of The Dog Key breed groups for the benefit of public education. There are certain breeds that have some cross representation, and others which by definition are virtually Mutts in their ancestry despite being identified as a pure breed today. The Dog Key app is intended to help dog owners identify, learn about, and appreciate the group(s) that influence their dog's behavior in the their lives through comprehensive explanations about their scientific influences. It cannot, however, determinatively predict a dog's behavior, personality, temperament, etc.